Anandpur Bandh (Dam)
It is battered on the east and has steps on the west with angular flaked steps on the southern and northern extremities. The dam is 19.8 metres in height and the steps on the west rise to the east to a height over 27.43 metres. Its length is 101.2 metres. At the varying depths, from the top of the dam, there are seven drainage channels that run through the thickness of the dam and were designed to maintain the appropriate levels of the water in the dam. The steps of stairs are made of ashlar block stone laid in lime but in appearance they resemble the rubble core.
Village-Anandgpur, District-Faridabad
Situation -: The Anandpur dam is situated on Delhi-Badkhal-Surajpur road. The approach to the dam is through Anand Vana, a private resort, at a distance of approximately 1 km through a kachcha road.
Under protection of -: Government of India
Period -: Circa 11th Century AD